About Angela

You would never have known from looking at Pastor Angela Brewer that she is a survivor until you have heard her story. You wouldn’t have guess that she had known the nightmare of emotional and mental abuse, the isolation of postpartum depression, and childhood sexual abuse. While she was intimately acquainted with the suffering and pain, Pastor Angela is emphatic in her belief, that her challenges helped mold her into the person God wanted her to be. She shares honestly about encountering disappointment and desolation. Her engaging style invites people to walk with her as she explains how her life was turned upside down, and they connect when they hear her say, “There were many days I wanted to give up and turn around.”
Pastor Angela accepted her calling to ministry in 2009 to preach and teach God’s Word, but did not walk in that calling until 2013. Her mission and passion is to love, encourage, edify, buildup and set free the hurting women all over this world with the goodness of God. She has an Associate Degree in Accounting, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology/Christian Counseling/Life Coaching and has a Master of Science Degree in Human Services/Marriage and Family Counseling and her second Master of Science Degree in Pastoral Counseling/Marriage and Family. Pastor Angela is currently enrolled in her Doctorate of Pastoral Counseling Degree. Pastor Angela Brewer is a Certified Professional Coach, Certified Christian Life Coach, Certified Pastoral Counselor, Certified Marriage Coach, and Certified Leadership Coach, and also has her Honorary Doctorate in Divinity. Her personal history has given her ambition to maximize relationships: What makes us who we are? Pastor Angela is the founder and visionary of Women of Victorious Living Ministries, a ministry to help women unlock the treasure within them and their potential and discover their purpose in life by equipping, encouraging, empowering, and inspiring using the Word of God. Her vision is to help women who have a strong desire to rise up out of their situations that are keeping them in bondage and to break free from the bondage to pursue the victorious living life God’s way. Pastor Angela is also a published author of “She Wouldn’t Let Me Fall:100 stories of faith, forgiveness, and friendship” book collaboration and "The Brilliant Awakening 2.0: Volume II". She currently working on her book, “Purpose In Pain: Finding Freedom in Victory”. Pastor Angela has a dynamic way of weaving both her ordinary experiences and extraordinary situations into meaningful life lessons. Several years ago, she went through a horrific divorce of 23 years of marriage that devastated and turned her life upside down. There have been times she didn’t know if she was coming or going. After God delivered her mind, healed her heart, and removed all the toxic waste from her life, Women of Victorious Living was born. This ministry is to help women of all walks of life to take back their lives and learned to walk in their divine purpose. Because of her struggles in her life, she is determined to help women to break free from bondage and walk in their divine destiny God has for them. In 2015, God later placed a wonder man of God in her life and now she pastors with her husband Pastor Leonard Brewer Heavenly Rivers Worship Center, Lawton, Oklahoma. God has equipped Pastor Angela to impact the lives of women all over the world.
People tell Angela, “I love listening to you! You make me feel like I don’t have to be perfect.” “You are so down to earth.” Her greatest delight in life consists of making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the lessons she learned throughout her life and to help women all over the world to step into their purpose that God destined from them.